17 February 2009

Browser crud...

I've won most of my browser wars since I first started coding html in 1994. I just spent a third of today trying to figure out WHY I could not get any Yahoo Buzz or AddThis code to work properly on this blog.

Surprise! Surprise! I was doing it right all along. But I was slammed by the old "browser incompatibility" issue - shades of the past. Unfortunately, although I am loyal to Firefox as a browser, it really let me down today.

After adding the code snippet in the correct location in the html layout template using Firefox, it kept coughing up error messages when trying to "Preview" or "Save" the template.

Several attempts later, moved over to an IE browser in total frustration, added the code in exactly the same spot on the template and appear it did - in apparently proper working order.

Hope this saves someone a few hours of time...